Looking for university of agriculture Tenders? Access the most recent opportunities from the university of agriculture, featuring etenders and government procurement listings. Place your bids now!
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food arrangements in various programme in university.
supply of 15hp 08 stage submersible motor pump from univ. engg. deptt.
supply of advance bomb calorimeter.
supply of all in one computer.
purchasing of flash door, fitting with painting from dsw office.
regarding blind and fiber sheet for the windows of vc camp office from univ. engg. deptt.
supply of - power tiller | quantity - 1 | msme exemption - no | startup exemption - no
injection mould plastic block.
supply of chemical and laboratory essential
supply of - power tiller | quantity - 1 | msme exemption - no | startup exemption - no
supply of advanced bomb calorimeter.
supply of advanced bomb calorimeter
repairing and renovation of toilet block for sardar training hall at nau navsari. (2nd attempt)
purchasing of flash door, fitting with painting
providing temporary connection in kisan mela of march, 2025
open tender 22/2024-25 tent arrangement for kisan mela 2025.
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