Looking for medical college Tenders? Access the most recent opportunities from the medical college, featuring etenders and government procurement listings. Place your bids now!
corrigendum : supply of generic drugs and medicine (edl)
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supply of various highly skilled, skilled, semi-skilled and un-skilled services.
neurovascular item for neurosurgery department
composite work at super specialty hospital jaipur
supply of furniture's and other items to super specialty hospital, bmcrc,ballari.
corrigendum : supply of high dose rate brachytherapy system on buy back basis with turnkey work
corrigendum : two year rate contract for supplying of disposable laboratory items
refilling cylinder of medical oxygen, nitrus and carbon di oxide
refilling cylinder of medical oxygen, nitrous, carbon dioxide gas.
refilling cylinder of medical oxygen, nitrus and carbon di oxide
supply of blood bag used on component extractor machine make-fresenius kabi model- compo mat g 5
providing of hospital security guards.
supply of medicines under mmnnry, mmcsby and rghs scheme for one year
manpower services(computer machine with man) for mndy, ddc and substore i and ii
supply of medicines under mmnnry, mmcsby and rhgs scheme for one year.
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