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Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

19-12-2024 84 Days Before

T247 ID- 83292675 |

expression of interest for empanelment of insured allopathic doctors, chemists and diagnostic centres under mimp for medical facilities to esi beneficiaries of rajasthan region-a) listed diagnostic tests & procedures prescribed by esic: haemoglobin, leucocyte count, differential; dlc, leucocyte count, total; tlc; wbc count, total, esr (westergren); erythrocyte sedimentation rate, glucose, fasting (f), glucose, post prandial (pp, 2 hours), glucose, random(r), glucose, fasting (f) & post prandial (pp, 2 hours), protein, sodium, creatinine in 24-hour urine, urea, blood, creatinine, serum, bilirubin, total, malaria parasite/ blood parasite identification, smear examination, routine, peripheral blood, pregnancy test, urine, urine microscopic examination, urine m/e, urine routine examination, urine r/e, urine examination for rbcs, urine examination, albumin, urine examination, bilirubin, urine examination, ketone bodies, protein, total, 24-hour urine, blood urea nitrogen, urobilinogen, qualitative, early morning sample, urine, electrocardiography in 12 leads, ecg in 12 leads, electrocardiography with long ii lead, ecg with long ii, x ray abdomen, axr ap view, x ray abdomen, axr lateral view, x ray abdomen, axr straight, kub view, x ray chest, cxr ap view, x ray chest, cxr left oblique view, x ray chest, cxr right oblique view, x ray chest, cxr lateral view, x ray chest, cxr pa view, x ray skull ap view, x ray skull ap and lateral views, x ray skull lateral view, x ray skull pa view, x ray skull pa and lateral views, x ray cervical spine ap and lateral views, x ray cervical spine ap view, x ray cervical spine lateral view, x ray cervical spine left oblique view, x ray cervical spine pa and lateral views, x ray cervical spine pa view, x ray cervical spine right oblique view, x ray dorsal spine pa view, x ray dorsal spine ap view, x ray dorsal spine lateral view, x ray dorsal spine right oblique view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine left oblique view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine ap view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine lateral view, x ray dorso-lumbar spine right oblique view, x ray lumbar spine ap and lateral views, x ray lumbar spine ap view, x ray lumbar spine lateral view, x ray lumbar spine left oblique view, x ray lumbar spine right oblique view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine ap view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine lateral view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine left oblique view, x ray lumbo-sacral spine right oblique view, x ray sacro-iliac joint ap view, x ray sacro-iliac joint lateral view, x ray sacro-iliac joint left oblique view, x ray sacro-iliac joint right oblique view, x ray shoulder ap and lataral views left, x ray shoulder ap and lataral views right, x ray shoulder ap view left, x ray shoulder ap view right, x ray shoulder axillary view left, x ray shoulder axillary view right, x ray shoulder lateral view left, x ray shoulder lateral view right, x ray hip ap view left, x ray hip ap view right, x ray hip lateral view left, x ray hip lateral view right, x ray knee ap and lateral views left, x ray knee ap and lateral views right, x ray knee ap view left, x ray knee ap view right, x ray knee ap view, standing left, x ray knee ap view, standing right, x ray knee lateral view left, x ray knee lateral view right, x ray ankle ap and lateral views left, x ray ankle ap and lateral views right, x ray ankle ap view left, x ray ankle ap view right, x ray ankle lateral view left, x ray ankle lateral view right, x ray foot ap view left, x ray foot ap view right, x ray foot lateral view left, x ray foot lateral view right, x ray foot oblique view left, x ray foot oblique view right, x ray hand ap view left, x ray hand ap view right, x ray hand oblique view left, x ray hand oblique view right, x ray elbow ap and lateral views left, x ray elbow ap and lateral views right, x ray elbow ap view left, x ray elbow ap view right, x ray elbow lateral view right, x ray elbow lateral view left, x ray pelvis ap view, x ray patella ap view left, x ray patella ap view right, x ray patella lateral view left, x ray patella lateral view right, x ray pns om view, x ray radius and ulna ap view left, x ray radius and ulna ap view right, x ray radius and ulna lateral view left, x ray radius and ulna lateral view right, x ray femur ap view left, x ray femur ap view right, x ray femur ap, lateral views left, x ray femur ap, lateral views right, x ray femur lateral view left, x ray femur lateral view right, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap view left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap view right, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap, lateral views left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula ap, lateral viewsright, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula lateral view left, x ray leg, x ray tibia and fibula lateral view right, x ray arm ap and lateral views left, x ray arm ap and lateral views right, x ray arm ap view left, x ray arm ap view right, x ray arm lateral view left, x ray arm lateral view right, x ray wrist ap view left, x ray wrist ap view right, x ray wrist lateral view left, x ray wrist lateral view right, x ray wrist oblique view left, x ray wrist oblique view right, x ray finger lateral view left, x ray finger lateral view right, x ray finger oblique view left, x ray finger oblique view right, x ray finger, ap view, left, x ray finger, ap view, right, x ray thumb ap view left, x ray thumb ap view right, x ray thumb lateral view left, x ray thumb lateral view right, x ray thumb oblique view left, x ray thumb oblique view right, x ray toes ap view left, x ray toes ap view right, x ray toes oblique view left, x ray toes oblique view right, b) esic essential drug : caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - anti, coagulants/antithrombotics, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - drugs acting on joints, caps/tab - drugs acting on joints, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - anti depressants, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab - hypolipidaemic drug, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, lotion - scabicides/ pediculocides, & anti-dandruff, caps/tab minerals, caps/tab minerals, caps/tab - allergic disorders, syrup/suspension - allergic, disorders, caps/tab - anti-malarial, syrup/suspension - antimalarial, caps/tab - allergic disorders, syrup/suspension - allergic, disorders, caps/tab vitamins, sachet vitamins, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, eye drops eye, cream/oint/gel eye, caps/tab - local drugs for, vagina and cervix, cream/oint/gel - topical, antifungal, ear drops ear, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension - antibiotics, caps/tab corticosteroids, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, inj - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - antispasmodic/drugs, modifying intestinal motility, syrup/suspension - antispasmodic/, drugs modifying, intestinal motility, caps/tab - anti emetics, syrup/suspension - anti emetics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, caps/tab -, haematinics/erythropoieti, cs, syrup/suspension - haematinics/, erythropoietics, caps/tab - vaso, constrictor/migraine, caps/tab - vaso, constrictor/migraine, caps/tab vitamins, cream/oint/gel - anti infective, preparations, caps/tab diuretics, syrup/suspension - urinary, system, inj diuretics, eye drops eye, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab diuretics, caps/tab diuretics, caps/tab - antispasmodic/drugs, modifying intestinal, motility, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opoid analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopoid, analgesic, caps/tab - anti-anginal drugs, caps/tab - anti-anginal drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab - thyroid and anti, thyroid drugs, caps/tab anthelmintics, syrup/suspension - anthelmintics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab - hypo-glycaemics, caps/tab antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, caps/tab antibiotics, syrup/suspension antibiotics, sachet - rehydration salts, caps/tab - non-opioid analgesic, caps/tab - non-opioid analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopioid, analgesic, syrup/suspension - nonopioid, analgesic, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, caps/tab corticosteroids, caps/tab corticosteroids, caps/tab corticosteroids, syrup/suspension -, corticosteroids, syrup/suspension -, corticosteroids, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - anti-malarial, caps/tab - beta blockers, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - antihypertensives, caps/tab - h2 blockers and ulcer, healing drugs, syrup/suspension - h2 blockers, and ulcer healing drugs, caps/tab bronchodilators, caps/tab bronchodilators, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, inhaler inhalers, cream/oint/gel - anti infective, preparations, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab - anti convulsants, caps/tab anti convulsants, syrup/suspension - anti, convulsants, caps/tab diuretics, caps/tab diuretics, eye drops eye, eye drops eye, vaccine vaccine, caps/tab - haemostatics/, coagulants, caps/tab vitamins, caps/tab vitamins, caps/tab vitamins, syrup/suspension vitamins, nose drops nose, nose drops nose, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension - antitussive, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, bronchodilator, syrup/suspension -, decongestants/antihistami, nic, syrup/suspension -, 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Multi Location


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2 |

Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

11-12-2024 92 Days Before

T247 ID- 83091983 |

supply of drugs to the dhfws bagalkot namma clinics for the year 2024-25 - aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablet 75 mg , diclofenac tablet 50 mg , diclofenac injection 25 mg/ml 1x10, ibuprofen tablet 200 mg, paracetamol tablat 500mg, paracetamol syrup 125 mg/5 ml , paracetamol syrup 250 mg/5 ml, anti-allergic and medicines used in anaphylaxis, levocetirizine 5 mg tablet , cetrizine syrup 5mg/5ml , chlorphineriramine maleate tab 4mg, cetrizine hydrochloride tablet 10mg , hydrocortisone succinate injection 100 mg , pheniramine injection 22.75 mg/ml , hydrogen peroxide, solution povidine , intestinal anthelmintics, albendazole tablet 400 mg , albendazole oral liquid 200 mg/5 ml , anti-bacterial, amoxicillin capsule 250 mg , amoxicillin capsule 500 mg , amoxicillin oral liquid 250 mg, amoxicillin dispersible tablet 250 mg , gentamicin injection 80 mg/m, co-trimoxazole oral liquid [sulphamethoxazole 200 mg + trimethoprim 40 mg/5 ml], doxycycline capsule 100 mg, metronidazole tablet 400 mg , metronidazole syrup 200mg/5ml , metronidazole tablet 200 mg , norfloxacin tab ip 400 mg, amoxicillin+clavulinic acid powder for suspension 200mg + 28.5mg/5ml , amoxicillin+clavulinic acid tablet 625mg , amoxycillin 125mg + clavulanic acid 31.25mg / 5ml suspension 125mg+31.25mg/5ml , amoxycillin oral liquid 250mg/5ml , azithromycin tablet 250mg , azithromycin tablet 500mg , cefixime oral liquid 100mg/5ml, cefixime tablet 200mg , anti-fungal medicines, clotrimazole ointment , clotrimazole cream 1% , miconazole ointment ointment 2% , fluconazole 150 mg tablet , ferrous salts (a) +folic acid (b)45mg elemental iron (a) +400mcg (b) pink tablet 45mg + 400mcg , folic acid tablet 5 mg , anti-hypertensive medicines, amlodipine tablet 5 mg, telmisartan tablet , dermatological medicines (topical), silver sulphadiazine cream 1%, betamethasone cream 0.05% , calamine lotion as per ip 1*50 ml, benzyl benzoate ointment/lotion 25% 1*100 ml, mupirocin (anti -bacterial cream) 2% w/w 1*5g, povidone ointment 125 gm, ear, nose and throat medicines, ciprofloxacin drops 0.3 % 1*5ml, ciprofloxacin tablet 250 mg , ciprofloxacin eye drops, ciprofloxacin tablet 500 mg , ear wax solvent drops (combination of benzocaine, chlorbutol, paradichlorobenzene and turpentine oil), gastrointestinal medicines, ranitidine tablet 150 mg , ranitidine injection ip 25mg/ml 1*2ml, omeprazole capsule 20 mg , ondansetron tablet 4 mg , ondansetron oral liquid 2 mg/5 ml 1*30ml, ondansetron injection 2 mg/ml, oral rehydration salts (ors), zinc sulphate syrup 20mg/5ml 1*60 ml, dicyclomine tablet 10 mg , diclofenac gel, dicyclomine injection 10 mg/ml 1x2ml amp, domperidone syrup 1mg/ml 1x30ml, domperidone tablet 10 mg, medicines used in diabetes mellitus, glimepiride tablet 1mg , metformin sr tablet 500 mg , thyroid and anti-thyroid medicines, salbutamol tablet 2 mg , salbutamol oral liquid 2 mg/5 ml 1*100 ml, salbutamol respirator solution for use in nebulizer 5mg/m 1x15ml, normal saline drops (sodium chloride(normal saline) infusion ffs 0.9%w/v 1x100ml), ambroxol hydrocloride and n-acetyl-l-cysteine tablet 200mg+30mg , bromhexine syrup 4mg/5ml 1x100ml, theophylline + etophylline injection 50.6mg+169.4mg/2ml 1x2ml, solutions correcting water, electrolyte disturbances and acid-base disturbances, ringer lactate injection ffs ascper ip 1*500ml, sodium chloride injection 0.9% (sodium chloride (normal saline) injection ffs 0.9%w/v 1x500ml), dextrose 5% (dextrose injection 5% 1x500ml), vitamins and minerals, ascorbic acid (vitamin c) tablet 500 mg , b complex tablet , calcium carbonate with vitamin d3 tablet 500mg+250iu , methylcobalamin tablet 1500mcg , diuretics, furosemide injection (lasix) 10mg/ml 1*2ml, furosemide tablet 40 mg (lasix) , consumables, absorbent cotton wool na 500 gm 1x500gm, adhesive tape na 10cmx10mts 1x3rolls, sugar test strips, himoglobin test strips, pregnancy test strips, bandage cloth individually packed in poly-pack na 20 mtrs. 1x20mtrs, hypo allergenic tape micropore na 7.5cmx9.1mts 1x4rolls, scalp-vein set 1*1, sterile disposable iv cannula with inj port na 20g 1x1, sterile disposable perfusion (infusion) sets with filter na adult , sterile disposable syringe with hypodermic needle na 2ml-23g , sterile surgical gloves (latex) na 6.5 , sterile surgical gloves (latex) na 7 , white petroleum 50g bottle jelly 1 1x50g

Bagalkot, Karnataka, India

3 |

Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

05-09-2024 189 Days Before

T247 ID- 79966502 |

tender for supply of drugs for 4 namma clinics under district health and family welfare society - oxygen gas for inhalation, lignocaine topical form 5%, plain lignocaine injection, aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) tablet 75 mg, diclofenac tablet 50 mg, diclofenac injection 25 mg/ml, ibuprofen tablet 200 mg, paracetamol tablet 250 mg,, paracetamol syrup 125 mg/5 ml, paracetamol syrup 250 mg/5 ml, anti-allergic and medicines used in anaphylaxis, levocetirizine 5 mg tablet, levocetirizine oral liquid, hydrocortisone succinate injection 100 mg, pheniramine injection 22.75 mg/ml, adrenaline injection 1mg/ml, anti-dotes and other substances used in poisoning, ampoules, atropine injection 1 mg/ml, activated charcoal, anti-convulsant/ anti-epileptic/ anti-psychotic, magnesium sulfate injection (50% solution), 2 ml ampoule, diazepam tablet 10 mg, diazepam rectal suppository, diazepam tablet 5 mg, midazolam nasal spray* 5mg/ml(for emergency purpose), phenobarbitone tablet 30 mg, phenobarbitone tablet 60 mg, inj phenobarbitone 200 mg/ml, phenytoin tablet 50 mg, phenytoin tablet 300 mg, sodium valproate tablet 200 mg, sodium valproate tablet 500 mg, sodium valproate syrup each 5 ml contains 200 mg, intestinal anthelmintics, albendazole tablet 400 mg, albendazole oral liquid 200 mg/5 mlanti-filarial, diethylcarbamazine tablet 100 mg, diethylcarbamazine oral liquid 120 mg/5 mlanti-bacterial, amoxicillin capsule 250 mg, amoxicillin capsule 500 mg, amoxicillin capsule 500 mg, amoxicillin dispersible tablet 250 mg, gentamicin injection 10 mg/ml, gentamicin injection 80 mg/m, tab co-trimoxazole [sulphamethoxazol 80 mg +trimethoprim 400 mg] tab. 20 mg trimethoprim + 100 mg sulphamethoxazole, co-trimoxazole oral liquid [sulphamethoxazole 200 mg + trimethoprim 40 mg/5 ml], doxycycline capsule 100 mg, metronidazole tablet 400 mg, metronidazole tablet 200 mg, norfloxacin tab 400 mg, anti-leprosy medicines, as per program guidelines (adults and pediatrics), anti-tuberculosis medicines as per program guidelines (adults and pediatrics), akurit 4 mg tab, akurit 3 mg tab, ethmdutol 100 mg tab, isonizide 100 mg tab, pyridoxine 40 mg tabanti-fungal medicines, clotrimazole ointment, clotrimazole cream 1%, clotrimazole vaginal tablet 6 tab, clotrimazole drops 1%, clotrimazole oral solution, miconazole ointment, fluconazole 150 mg tablet, anti-malarial medicines, as per program guidelines (adults and pediatrics), medicines used in palliative care, lactulose oral liquid 10 g/15 ml, povidone iodine lotion 500 ml, povidone iodine ointment 15 gmanti-anaemic medicines, ferrous salt 100 mg + folic acid 500 mcg, tablet ferrous salt 20 mg + folic acid 100 mcg, table ferrous salt 60 mg + folic acid 500 mcg, table ferrous salt 45 mg + folic acid 100 mcg, table ferrous sulphate + folic acid syrup, table ferrous salt 45 mg + folic acid 100 mcg table ferrous sulphate + folic acid syrup, folic acid tablet 5 mg folic acid tablet 400 mcg, vitamin k injection 1 mg/ml, cardiovascular medicines (medicines used in angina), isosorbide-5- mononitrate tablet 5 mg, atenolol tablet 50 mg, metoprolol tablet 25 mg, metoprolol tablet 50 mg, isosorbide dinitrate tablet 5 mg (sublingual), anti-hypertensive medicines, amlodipine tablet 2.5 mg , amlodipine tablet 5 mg, enalapril tablet 5 mg, telmisartan tablet 40 mg, hydrochlorothiazide tablet 12.5 mg , hydrochlorothiazide tablet 25 mg, hypolipidemic medicines, atorvastatin tablet 10 mg, medicines used in dementia, alprazolam tablet 0.25 mg alprazolam tablet 0.5 mg, dermatological medicines (topical), silver sulphadiazine cream 1%, betamethasone cream 0.05%, calamine lotion, benzyl benzoate ointment, mupirocin (anti -bacterial cream), potassium permanganate 0.1%, zinc oxide cream 10%, disinfectants and antiseptics, ethyl alcohol (denatured) solution 70%, hydrogen peroxide solution 6%, methylrosanilinium chloride (gentian violet), bleaching powder containing not less than 30% w/w of available chlorine (as per i.p), gama benzene hexachloride, framycetin sulphate (ointment), ear, nose and throat medicines, ciprofloxacin drops 0.3 % , ciprofloxacin tablet 250 mg , ciprofloxacin tablet 500 mg, boro-spirit ear drop, ear wax solvent drops (combination of benzocaine, chlorbutol, paradichlorobenzene and turpentine oil), gastrointestinal medicines, ranitidine tablet 150 mg , ranitidine injection 2 ml, omeprazole capsule 20 mg, ondansetron tablet 4 mg, ondansetron oral liquid 2 mg/5 ml, ondansetron injection 2 mg/ml, ispaghula granules/ husk/ powder (herbal medicine), oral rehydration salts (ors), zinc sulphate dispersible tablet 20 mg, zinc sulphate syrup, dicyclomine tablet 10 mg, dicyclomine injection, dioctyl sulfosuccinate sodium ear drops, magnesium hydroxide liquid, senna powder (herbal medicine), domperidone tablet 10 mg, domperidone syrup, contraceptives, ethinylestradiol (a) + levonorgestrel tablet 0.03 mg (a) + 0.15 mg (b), copper bearing intra-uterine device iucd 380 a & iucd 375, male condom, ormeloxifene tablet 30mg, emergency contraceptive pill levonorgestrel 1.5 mg, medroxyprogesterone acetate injection 150 mg, fp commodities: ptk, medicines used in diabetes mellitus, glimepiride tablet 2 mg, glibenclamide tablet 2.5 mg, glibenclamide tablet 5 mg, metformin tablet 500 mg, metformin sr tablet 500 mg, thyroid and anti-thyroid medicines, levothyroxine tablet 25 mcg, levothyroxine tablet 50 mcg, levothyroxine tablet 100 mcgvaccines, rabies vaccine, oxytocics & abortificent medicine, misoprostol tablet 200 mcg, medicines acting on the respiratory tract (nebulizer essential), budesonide respirator solution for use in nebulizer 0.5 mg/ml, salbutamol tablet 2 mg, salbutamol oral liquid 2 mg/5 ml, salbutamol respirator solution for use in nebulizer 5mg/ml, normal saline drops, dextromethorphan oral syrup, hyoscinebutylbromide tablet 10 mg, solutions correcting water, electrolyte disturbances and acid-base disturbances, ringer lactate injection, sodium chloride injection 0.9% iv 500 ml, sodium chloride injection 0.9% iv 100 ml, dextrose 5%, dextrose 25%, vitamins and minerals, ascorbic acid (vitamin c) tablet 100 mg, calcium carbonate tablet 500 mg, cholecalciferol tablet 60000 iu, pyridoxine tablet 25 mg, pyridoxine tablet 50 mg, pyridoxine tablet 100 mg, vitamin a oral liquid 100000 iu/ml, b complex tablet, ophthalmological medicines, sodium cromoglycate 2% eye drop, methylcellulose eye drops, diuretics, furosemide injection (lasix), furosemide tablet 40 mg (lasix), required other essentail drugs which are not listed in above given table, cotton roll, bandage cloth, syp cetrizine 60ml, mulitivitamin syp, b-complex syp, clotrimozole dusting powder, lopermide capulse 2 mg, paracetamol drops 100 mg, paracetamol syp 125 mg, paracetamol syp 250 mg, paracetamol tab 500 mg, paracetamol tab 650 mg, nitrofuntine tab 100 mg, cefixime tab 200 mg, cefixime tab 100 mg

Davangere, Karnataka, India

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Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

29-07-2024 227 Days Before

T247 ID- 78592150 |

supply of medicines to mathadi hospital trust ,koparkhirane for the year 2025-27-- each ml. should contain: digoxin i.p., 0.25mg; water for injection. i.p. - q.s., (2ml. ampoule.), each tablet should contain: digoxin i.p., 0.25 mg. tablets (in strip packing only), beta blockers, each tablet should contain: carvedilol, 3.125mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: nebivilol, 2.5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: nebivilol, 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each ml. should contain metoprolol, tartrate i.p. 1mg; sodium chloride i.p., 9mg; water for injection. i.p. q.s. (5ml., ampoule), each extended release tablet should, contain: metoprolol 25mg. tablets (in, strip packing only), each extended release/ long acting, tablet should contain: propranolol, hydrochloride i.p. 10mg. tablets, (in strip packing only), each extended release/ long acting, tablet should contain: propranolol, hydrochloride i.p. 40mg. tablets, (in strip packing only), anti arrhythmic drugs (calcium channel, blockers):, each tablet should contain: amiodarone, hcl. 200mg., inj. amiodarone hcl. 150mg./ 3ml., each ml. should contain: labetalol, hydrochloride i.p. 5mg.; water for inj., q.s. (20mg/4ml), each scored tablet should contain:, enalapril maleate i.p. 2.5mg. tablets (in, strip packing only), each scored tablet should contain:, enalapril maleate i.p. 5mg. tablets, each sustained release tablet should, contain: indapamide 1.5mg.tablets (in, strip packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, telmisartan 20 mg. tablets (in strip, packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, telmisartan 40 mg. tablets (in strip, packing only), diuretics:, each tablet should contain: torasemide, 10mg. (in strip only), each tablet should contain:, chlorthalidone 12.5mg (in strip packing, only), each tablet should contain:, acetazolmide i.p. 250mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each ml. should contain: frusemide i.p., 10mg; water for injection. i.p. q.s., injection (2ml. ampoule), each tablet should contain: frusemide, i.p. 40mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, spironolactone i.p. 25 mg. tablets., (in strip packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, furosemide i.p. 20mg; spironolactone, i.p. 50mg. tablet (in strip packing only), anti anginal drugs, each sustained release tablet should, contain: glyceryl trinitrate 2.6mg. tab., (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: amlodepine, besilate b.p. eq. to amlodepine 2.5mg., tablets (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: amlodepine, besilate b.p. equivalent to amlodepine, 5mg. tablets, (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: atenolol i.p., 25mg. tablets (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: atenolol i.p., 50mg. tablets (in strip packing only), each extended released tablet should, contain: diltiazem hydrochloride i.p., 90mg. tab. (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: diluted, isosorbide mononitrate b.p eq. to, isosorbide mononitrate 20mg. tab (in, strip packing only), each sustained release tablet should, contain: diluted isosorbide mononitrate, b.p eq. to isosorbide mononitrate 30mg., tablets (in strip packing only), each sublingual tablet should contain:, isosorbide dinitrate i.p. 10mg. (should, be added as diluted isosorbide dinitrate., i.p.) (in strip packing only), each modified released tablet should, contain: trimetazidine. 35mg tablets (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: nicorandil 5, mg., nitrates:, each ml. should contain: diluted nitroglycerine u.s.p. equivalent to nitro, glycerine 5mg; absolute alcohol i.p. 30%, v/v; propylene glycol i.p. 30% v/v; water, for injection. i.p. q.s. (5ml. ampoule), peripheral vasodilators:, each tablet should contain: cinnarizine, b.p. 25mg. tablet (in strip packing only), coagulants, each 5ml. should contain: tranexamic, acid b.p. 500mg; water for injection., i.p. q.s.,, injection. (5ml.ampoule), each ml. should contain:, aqueous solution of haemocoagulase, isolated from venom of bothrops, jararaca bothrops atrox 1 cu; nacl. i.p., 0.9% w/v; phenol i.p. 0.3% w/v (as, preservative) water for injection. i.p.,, q.s. (1ml.amp.) injection., each capsule should contain: citrus, bioflavonoid compd. 150mg; vitamin c, i.p. 75mg; menadion i.p. 66mg; ferrous, gluconate i.p. 67mg; tri-basic calcium, phosphate. i.p. 144mg., (in strip packing only) capsules., each ml. should contain: menaphthone, sodium bisulphite 10mg. (equivalent to, 5.2mg. of menadion); sodium, metabisulphite i.p. (stabiliser) 0.2%w/v;, water for injection. i.p. q.s. (vitamin, k injection.) (1ml.amp.), anticoagulants:, each ml. should contain: heparin sodium, i.p. 5000 i.u. (derived from mucosal);, chlorocresol i.p. 0.15% w/v (as, preservative); water for injection. i.p., q.s. injection (5 ml. multi dose vail), each pre-filled syringe should contain, enoxaparin sodium 60mg (0.6ml.):, water for inj. i.p. q.s. (0.6ml. pre-filled, syringe), each vial should contain: streptokinase, bp 15,00,000 iu, each tablet should contain: warfarine, sodium. i.p. 5mg. (in strip packing only), antiplatelet drugs:, each film coated tablet should contain:, clopidogrel bisulphate equivalent to, clopidogrel 75mg. tab. (in strip packing, only), each enteric coated aspirin delayed, tablet u.s.p. should contain: aspirin i.p., 75 mg tablet (in strip packing only), vasopressors: drugs used to combat, shock:, each ml. should contain: dopamine, hydrochloride u.s.p. 40mg; water for, injection. i.p. q.s., each single dose vial should contain:, dobutamine for hydrochloride. ph. eur., eq. to 250mg. dobutamine base as active, ingredient 250 mg. mannitol ph. eur. as, excipient & hydrochloric acid ph. eur., (10%w/v) &/or sodium hydroxide ph., eur. injection., each ml. should contain mephentermine, sulphate i.p. eq. to mephentermine, 30mg, in water for injection. i.p. (10ml. vial), inj., vasopressors:, each ampoule of 1ml. should contain:, adrenaline i.p. 1:1000 injection., (1ml.amp.), 2. musculo - skeletal disorders :, opioid analgesics:, each ml. should contain: butorphanol, tartrate usp 1mg.; sodium chloride ip, 6.4mg; water for inj, each ml. should contain: pentazocine i.p., 30mg (as lactate sodium chloride i.p., 2.8mg water for injection. i.p. q.s., injection (1ml.ampoule), tramadol hydrochloride i.p. 50mg;, water for injection. i.p. q.s. injection, (1ml.ampoule), non opioid analgesics:, each ml. should contain: diclofenac sod., i.p. 25mg; water for injection. i.p. q.s., injection. (1 ml. amp), each enteric coated tablet should, contain: diclofenac sodium i.p. 50mg., tablets (in strip packing, each tablet should contain: diclofenac, sodium i.p. 50mg; paracetamol i.p., 325mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each 5ml. should contain: ibuprofen i.p., 100mg. & paracetamol i.p. 125 mg., flavoured syrupy base., each film coated tablet should contain:, etoricoxib 60mg., each tablet should contain: ibuprofen, i.p. 400mg. & paracetamol i.p. 333mg., tablets., (in strip packing only), indole derivatives:, each capsule should contain:, indomethacin i.p. 25mg. capsules (in, strip packing only), para amino phenol derivatives:, paracetamol i.p. 100mg/100ml infusion, each ml. should contain: paracetamol, i.p. 75mg; benzyl alcohol i.p. 1.5% v/v, injection. ampoules of 2ml., each ml. should contain: paracetamol, i.p. 75mg; benzyl alcohol i.p. 1.5% v/v, each 5ml. should contain: paracetamol, i.p. 250mg. in flavoured syrup base., each tablet should contain: paracetamol, i.p. 500mg. tablet (pref. in strip packing), muscle relaxants, each tablet should contain: carisoprodol, u.s.p. 175mg.+ paracetamol i.p., 350mg.+ caffeine i.p. 32mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each ml. should contain: valethamate, bromide nf xiii 8mg. sodium chloride, i.p. injection. (1ml. amp.), neuromuscular drugs:, each ml. should contain: neostigmine, methyl sulphate i.p. 0.5 mg; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. injection, (1ml.ampoule), 3. antibiotics: anti tubercular, drugs, each tablet should contain: ethambutol, hydrochloride i.p. 200 mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: ethambutol, hydrochloride i.p. 400 mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: ethambutol, hydrochloride i.p. 800 mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: isoniazid i.p., 300 mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: pyrazinamide, i.p. 750 mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: pyrazinamide, i.p. 500mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each capsule should contain: rifampicin, i.p. 150mg. (in strip packing only), each capsule should contain: rifampicin, i.p. 300mg. (in strip packing only), each capsule / tablet should contain:, rifampicin i.p. 450mg. capsules (in strip, packing only), penicillins, each dispersible tablet should contain:, amoxicillin trihydrate i.p. equivalent to, amoxicillin 125mg. disp. kid tablets (in, strip packing only), each 5ml. (after reconstitution of, powder) should contain: amoxicillin, 200mg; clavulanic acid 28.5mg. dry syp., (30ml.bottle), each single dose vial should contain:, amoxicillin i.p. 1gm.;, clavulanate potassium i.p. 200mg., each capsule should contain:, amoxicillin trihydrate i.p. equivalent to, amoxicillin 250mg. capsule., (in strip packing only), each capsule should contain:, amoxicillin trihydrate i.p. equivalent to, amoxicillin 500mg. capsule., (in strip packing only), each single dose vial should contain:, piperacillin 4000mg + tazobactum, 500mg. per vial injection., carbapenem, each single dose vial should contain:, meropenem 1000 mg. vial. injection, cephalosporins, each tablet should contain: cefixime, trihydrate u.s.p. equivalent to cefixime, (anhydrous) 200mg; lactic acid bacillus, 60 million spores (in strip packing only), each single dose vial should contain:, cefoperazone sodium u.s.p. equivalent, to cefoperazone 500mg; sulbactam, sodium u.s.p. equivalent to sulbactam, 500mg. inj., each single dose vial should contain:, cefotaxime sodium u.s.p. equivalent to, cefotaxime 1gm. with water for, injection. i.p. (5ml ampoule.), each single dose vial should contain:, ceftriaxone sodium u.s.p. equivalent to, ceftriaxone 1gm. with water for, injection. i.p. (10ml injection.), (d.) amino glycosides, each single dose vial should contain:, amikacin sulphate i.p. equivalent to, amikacin 500mg. /2ml. injection. (2ml., single dose vial), each multi dose vial should contain:, gentamycin (as sulphate) 80mg. / 1ml., inj., (e.) tetracyclines, each capsule should contain: doxycycline, hydrochloride i.p. equivalent to, doxycycline 100mg. capsules. (in strip, packing only), macrolides, each film coated tablet should contain:, azithromycin dihydrate u.s.p eq. to, azithromycin anhydrous 500mg.tab, each 5ml. should contain: azithromycin, 100 mg. flavoured syp., each film coated tablet should contain:, clarithromycin u.s.p. 250mg. tablet, quinolones, each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain, ciprofloxacin i.p. 200mg; water for, injection. i.p. infusion (100ml.), each film tablet should contain:, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. i.p., equivalent to ciprofloxacin 250mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each film tablet should contain:, ciprofloxacin hydrochloride. i.p., equivalent to ciprofloxacin 500mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each film tablet should contain:, levofloxacin u.s.p. 500mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), (i.) antifungal, each tablet should contain: flucanozole, 150mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: chloroquine, phosphate. i.p. 250mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each tablet should contain: chloroquine, phosphate. i.p. 500mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, primaquine phosphate i.p. 7.5mg. tablet, (in strip packing only), antileprotics, each tablet should contain: dapsone i.p., 100mg. tablet (preferably in strip, packing.), antivirals, each tablet should contain: acyclovir i.p., 400mg. tablet (in strip packing only), (m.) drugs used in protozoal infections, each 5ml. should contain:, metronidazole 200mg; flavoured syrup, base q.s. syrup., each film coated tablet should contain:, metronidazole i.p. 200mg tablets (in, strip packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, ornidazole i.p. 500mg + ofloxacin, 200mg. tablets (in strip packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, metronidazole i.p. 400mg tablets (in, strip packing), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, metronidazole i.p. 0.5gm. water for, injection. i.p. infusion (100 ml. bottle), anthelmintics, each chewable uncoated tablet should, contain: albendazole i.p. 400 mg., (in strip packing only), each 5ml. should contain: albendazole, i.p. 200 mg. flavoured syrup base q.s., syrup., each tablet should contain:, diethylcarbamazine citrate i.p. 100mg., tablet (strip packing.), 4. central nervous system:, sedatives and tranquillisers, each tablet should contain: lorazepam, i.p. 1 mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: lorazepam, i.p. 2 mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each ml. should contain: diazepam i.p., 5mg. injection. (2ml.ampoule.), each tablet should contain:, trifluoperazine hydrochloride i.p. 5mg;, trihexiphenidyl hydrochloride. i.p. 2, mg. tablet (in strip packing only), (b.) tricyclic and related, antidepressants, each film-coated tablet should contain:, amitryptaline hydrochloride. i.p. 10 mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each film-coated tablet should contain:, amitryptaline hcl. i.p. 25 mg. tablet (in, strip, each capsule should contain: fluoxetine, hydrochloride. u.s.p. 20mg. (in strip, packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, escitalopram 5mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, escitalopram 10mg. tablet (in strip, packing ), each uncoated tablet should contain:, aripiprazole i.p. 5 mg. tablet (in strip, packing ), each uncoated tablet should contain:, aripiprazole i.p. 10 mg. tablet (in strip, packing ), antipsychotics, each tablet should contain: olanzapine, 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: olanzapine, 10mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: risperidone, 1mg. tablet (in strip packing only), fluphenazine (25mg) injection 1ml., ampoule, each tablet should contain: quetiapine, fumarate 50mg. tablet (in strip only), each tablet should contain: betahistine, dihydrochloride 8mg. tablet (in strip, packing, each tablet should contain: betahistine, dihydrochloride 16mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each tablet should contain:, domperidone maleate b.p. 10mg. tablet, (in strip packing only), each ml. should contain: domperidone, b.p. 1mg. flavoured syrup base q.s., syrup., each ml. should contain: ondansetron, hydrochloride u.s.p. equivalent to, ondansetron 2mg. water for injection., i.p. injection. (2ml.ampoule.), (e.) hypnotics, each ml. should contain:, phenobarbitone i.p. 200mg. injection, (2ml.ampoule.), each tablet should contain:, phenobarbitone i.p.30mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain:, phenobarbitone i.p.60mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain: clobazam, b.p. 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain:, carbamazepine i.p. 100mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain:, carbamazepine i.p. 200mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each extended release tablet should, contain: carbamazepine i.p. 200mg., tablet (in strip, packing only), each tablet should contain: clonazepam, u.s.p. 0.25mg. tablet (in strip packing, only), each tablet should contain: clonazepam, u.s.p. 0.5mg. tablet (in strip packing, only), each film-coated tablet should contain:, phenytoin sodium i.p.100mg. tablet, (preferably in strip packing.), each ml. should contain: phenytoin, sodium i.p. 50mg; water for injection., i.p. q.s. injection. (2ml.ampoule.), each enteric coated tablet should, contain: sodium valproate i.p. 200mg., tablet. (in strip packing only), each 5ml. should contain: sodium, valproate 200mg: flavoured syrup base, q.s. syrup., each enteric coated tablet should, contain: levitiracetam 500mg tablet. (in, strip packing only), drugs controlling rigidity and tremors, each tablet should contain:, trihexiphenidyl hydrochloride i.p. 2mg., tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: levodopa, 100 mg. + carbidopa 10mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), drugs used for treating migraine, each tablet should contain: flunarizine, hydrochloride equivalent to flunarizine, 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), 5. alimentary system: antacids, antacid suspension. should contain:, dimethylpolysiloxane i.p. 25mg., magnesium hydroxide b.p. 250mg. dried, aluminium hydroxide gel 250mg. per, 5ml. (4.5 litter. jar.), h 2 blockers & ulcer healing drugs, each film coated tablet should contain:, famotidin u.s.p. 20 mg (in strip packing, only), each capsule should contain:, omeprazole i.p. 20mg (as enteric coated, granules) capsules. (in strip packing ), or, each tablet should contain: pantoprazole, sodium equivalent to pantoprazole, 40mg. tablet, (in strip packing only), each single dose vial should contain:, pantoprazole sodium eq. to, pantoprazole 40mg; with 10ml. ampoule, of sodium chloride injection., each tab should contain: misoprostol, 200mcg. tablets., drugs modifying intestinal motility &, acid secretions, each tablet should contain:, metoclopramide hydrochloride i.p. eq., to anhydrous metoclopramide, hydrochloride 10mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), non specific antidiarrheal (anti motility, drugs), each uncoated tablet should contain:, racecadotril i.p. 10mg. (in strip packing), carminatives, each tablet should contain: sodium, bicarbonate i.p. 300mg & peppermint, oil i.p. 0.003ml. tablet (preferably in, strip packing.), 6. genito - urinary tract : (a.) urinary, tract analgesics & antispasmodics, each tablet should contain: dicyclomine, hydrochloride i.p. 10mg; paracetamol, i.p.500mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each 5ml. should contain: dicyclomine, hydrochloride i.p. 10mg; simethicone, i.p. 40mg; flavoured syrup base q.s., each 1ml. should contain: dicyclomine, hydrochloride i.p. 10mg; benzyl alcohol, i.p. 2%; injection, urinary tract antibiotics, each tablet should contain:, nitrofurantoin 100 mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), drugs acting locally on urethral &, vaginal infections., each vaginal tablet (pessary) should, contain: clotrimazole i.p. 100mg., (pessary) (in strip packing only), uterine stimulants., each ampoule should contain:, carboprost 0.125 mg. (as carboprost, tromethamine i.p. injection., (0.5ml.ampoule.), each ml. should contain: oxytocin i.p., (oxytocis activity equivalent to 5 i.u., water for injection. i.p. q.s. inj. 1ml.amp., 7. respiratory system & anti-allergics:, expectorants, antitussives & mucolytics, each 5ml. cough expectorant should, contain: diphenhydramine hydrochloride, i.p. 10mg;, ammonium chloride. i.p. 120mg;, menthol i.p. 1.mg; sodium citrate, i.p.45mg. flavoured syrup base q.s., each 5ml. should contain paracetamol., i.p. 125 mg; chlorpheniramine maleate, i.p. 1.25mg; phenylepherine, hydrochloride. i.p. 2.5mg; bromhexine, hydrochloride. i.p. 4mg. flavoured syrup, base q.s. syrup, each tablet should contain: montelukast, sodium eq. to montelukast 10 mg., tablets (in strip packing only, bronchodilators & mast cell stabilizers, each respsule should contain: levo, salbutamol 2.5mg + ipratropium, bromide 500mcg 2.5ml. respsule, each ml. should contain: aminophyline, i.p. 25mg. injection. (10ml.ampoule.), each capsule should contain: formoterol, fumarate dihydrate ph. eur. 6mcg. +, budesonide b.p.200mcg. capsule for, inhalation, each ml. should contain: etophylline, i.p.84.7mg.; theophylline i.p. anhydrous, eq. to theophylline i.p. hydrated 25.3mg., injection (2ml.amp.), each sustained release tablet should, contain: etophylline i.p. 231mg;, theophylline i.p. anhydrous eq. to, theophylline i.p. hydrated 69mg. tablets, (in strip packing only), each single dose vial should contain:, methyl prednisolone sodium succinate., u.s.p. eq. to methyl prednisolone 1gm., with 10ml. ampoule of water for, injection., each single dose vial should contain:, methyl prednisolone sodium succinate., u.s.p. eq. to methyl prednisolone 0.5gm., with 10ml. ampoule of water for, injection, each 5ml. should contain: salbutamol, sulphate i.p. equivalent to salbutamol, 2mg flavoured syrup base q.s. syrup., each ml. should contain: terbutaline, sulphate i.p. 0.5mg; water for injection., i.p. q.s. injection (2ml.ampoule.), anti-allargics, each tablet should contain: cetirizine, hydrochloride. b.p. 10mg. tablet (in, strip packing only), each tablet should contain:, chlorpheniramine maleate i.p. 4mg., tablet (preferably in strip packing.), each ml. should contain: pheniramine, maleate i.p. 22.75mg. water for, injection. i.p. - q.s. inj. (2ml.ampoule.), each tablet should contain: pheniramine, maleate i.p. 25 mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), promethazine hydrochloride. i.p. 25mg;, water for injection. i.p. q.s. injection., (2ml.ampoule.), 8. skin: topical antifungals and antiparasitics:, lindane lotion u.s.p. should contain:, gamma benzene hexachloride 1% w/v;, aqueous base q.s., each 15gm. tube should contain:, miconazole nitrate i.p. 2% w/w cream, base q.s., or, each 15gm. tube should contain:, clotrimazole i.p. 1 % w/w cream base, q.s., anti-infective skin preparations, each 5gm. tube should contain:, polymyxin b sulphate u.s.p. 5000 units;, neomycin sulphate i.p. 3400 units; zinc, bacitracin 400units. per1gm. for, ophthalmic & skin ointment, (c.) topical steroid, each 15gm. tube should contain:, beclomethasone dipropionate i.p., 0.025% w/w; neomycin sulphate. i.p, 0.50%w/w; miconazole nitrate i.p. 2%, w/w cream base, each 15gm. tube should contain:, beclomethasone dipropionate i.p., 0.025% w/w cream base q.s., each 10gm. tube should contain:, clobetasol propionate u.s.p. 0.05% w/w, cream base q.s., drugs acting on skin vasculature, each gm. should contain: heparin, sodium i.p. 5000 i. units; benzyl, nicotinate 2mg. oint., each 10gm. tube should contain: salicyli, acid i.p. 3%; benzoic acid 6% w/w, (whitfields ointment i.p.) ointment, base., 9. eye: anti-infective eye preparations:, each 5gm. tube should contain:, ciprofloxacin 0.3%w/w (as ciprofloxacin, hydrochloride i.p.), ciprofloxacin 0.3%w/w (as ciprofloxacin, hydrochloride i.p.); aqueous buffered, vehicle q.s. eye drops. (10ml. eye drop, container), gentamycin sulphate i.p. equivalent to, 0.3%w/v gentamycin 3000 units/ml, sterile aqueous buffered vehicle q.s. eye, / ear drops (5ml. container), anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic e/e, preparations:, flurbiprofen sodium ophthalmic solution, u.s.p. 0.03% w/v; sterile aqueous, buffered vehicle q.s. (5ml. e.d. container), miscellaneous eye drops,, proparacain hydrochloride 0.5% w/v;, chlorbutol 0.5% (5ml.e.d. container), each sterile non toxic pyrogen free 2ml, pre-filled syringe with grip & a sterile, cannula should contain:, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose i.p. 2%, w/v; sterile aqueous buffered vehicle, q.s. (solution for intraocular use), polyvinyl alcohol u.s.p.1.4%w/v;, povidone i.p. 0.6% w/v; benzalkonium, chloride solution i.p.0.01% w/v; sterile, base lubricating (10ml. container), or, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (0.7%, w/v) eye drops, tropicamide u.s.p. 0.8% w/v;, phenylepherine hydrochloride i.p. 5%, w/v: eye drops. sterile aqueous, buffered vehicle q.s. (5ml. eye drop, container), miotics:, pilocarpine nitrate i.p. 0.5% w/v; water, for injection. i.p. q.s. injection. (1ml., ampoule.), 10. oropharyngeal: nasal, decongestants:, each ml. should contain: oxymetazoline, hydrochloride u.s.p. 0.5mg; sterile, aqueous buffered vehicle q.s. nasal, solution for adult use. (10ml. nasal, drop container), each ml. should contain: oxymetazoline, hydrochloride u.s.p. 0.25mg; sterile, aqueous buffered vehicle q.s. nasal, solution for paediatric use. (10ml., container), normal saline nasal drops, mouth preparations:, gel for the mouth should contain:, choline salicylate solution bp equivalent, to choline salicylate 8.7% w/w;, benzalkonium chloride solution i.p, 0.01% w/w; lignocaine hcl. i.p 2.0%, w/w; flavoured gel base, aural preparations: antifungals ,, antibiotics with corticosteroids:, clotrimazole i.p. 1% w/v; lignocaine, hydrochloride i.p. 2% w/v; propylene, glycol i.p. base. q.s ear drops. (10ml.), chloramphenicol i.p. 5% w/v;, clotrimazole i.p. 1% w/v;, beclomethasone dipropionate i.p., 0.025%w/v; lignocaine hydrochloride, i.p. 2%w/v; glycerine i.p. & propylene, glycol i.p. base. q.s ear drops. (5ml., container), ear wax solvent should contain: para, dichlorobenzene 2%w/v; benzocain i.p., 2.7 % w/v; chlorbutol i.p. 5% w/v;, turpentine oil b.p. 15% w/v; oily, excipients q.s ear drops. (10ml. vial), each tablet should contain:, norethindrone acetate u.s.p.5mg., tablet. (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain:, betamethasone (as betamethasone, sodium. phosphate. i.p.) 1.0mg. tablet, (in strip packing only), each ml. should contain:, betamethasone (as betamethasone, sodium. phosphate. i.p.) 4mg; phenol, i.p. injection. (1ml.ampoule.), each tablet should contain:, dexamethasone i.p. 0.5mg. tablet, (preferably in strip packing.), each multi dose vial should contain:, dexamethasone sodium phosphate i.p., equivalent to dexamethasone, phosphate 4mg; water for injection. i.p., q.s. injection., each tablet should contain: prednisolone, i.p. 20mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: prednisolone, i.p. 15mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: prednisolone, i.p. 10mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: prednisolone, i.p. 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), hyper and hypoglycaemic agents:, each tablet should contain: glimepiride, 1mg tab. (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: pioglitazone, 15 mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: glimepiride, 2mg tab (in strip pack only), each tablet should contain:, glibenclamide i.p. 5mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each tablet should contain: glipizide b.p., 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each single dose vial should contain:, hydrocortisone sodium succinate, equivalent to hydrocortisone i.p. 100mg., injection., each ml. suspension should contain:, insulin, human ph. eur. 40 i.u. (30% as, soluble insulin injection. & 70% as, isophane insulin injection.), metacresol, u.s.p. 1.5mg. & phenol i.p. 65mg (as, preservatives); water for injection. i.p., q.s. (insulin human of recombinant dna, origin.), injection. (10 ml. vail), each ml. solution should contain:, insulin, human ph. eur. 40 i.u., metacresol u.s.p. 3mg. (as, preservatives); water for injection. i.p., q.s. (insulin human of recombinant dna, origin.) injection., each sustained released tablet should, contain: metformin hydrochloride i.p., 500mg. tablet (in strip pack, each sustained released tablet should, contain: metformin hydrochloride i.p., 1000mg. tablet,, (in strip packing only), drugs acting on thyroid function:, each tablet should contain: carbimazole, i.p. 5mg. tablet (preferably in strip, packing.), each tablet should contain: l thyroxin, sodium i.p. equivalent to anhydrous, thyroxin sodium 0.025mg. (synthetic, thyroid hormone) tablets. (preferably in, strip packing.), each tablet should contain: l thyroxin, sodium i.p. equivalent to anhydrous, thyroxin sodium 0.05mg. (synthetic, thyroid hormone) tablets. (preferably in, strip packing.), each tablet should contain: l thyroxin, sodium i.p. equivalent to anhydrous, thyroxin sodium 0.75mg. (synthetic, thyroid hormone) tablets. (preferably in, strip packing.), each tablet should contain: thyroxin, sodium i.p. equivalent to anhydrous, thyroxin sodium 0.1mg. (synthetic, thyroid hormone) tablets. (preferably in, strip packing.), 12. nutrition: vitamins:, each tablet should contain: thiamine hcl, i.p. 2mg; riboflavin i.p. 2mg; nicotinic, acid i.p. 25mg; pyridoxine hcl. 1.50 mg;, calcium pantothenate 3mg. (b-complex, tablet.), each ml. should contain: folic acid i.p., 15mg; b12 (cyanocobalamin i.p.), 500mcg; nicotinamide i.p. 200mg;, injection (10ml. vial), each tablet should contain: folic acid, i.p. 5mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each sugar coated tablet / capsule should, contain: vitamin-a concentrate i.p.10000, i.u. (powder form); cholecalciferol i.p., 1000 i.u. ; thiamine mononitrate i.p., 10mg; riboflavin i.p. 10mg; niacin amide, i.p. 45mg; folic acid i.p. 1.50mg;, pyridoxine hcl. i.p 3mg; calcium, pantothenate i.p. 10 mg;, cyanocobalamin i.p. 15mcg; ascorbic, acid i.p. 150mg; tocopheryl acetate i.p., (vitamin e) 15mg; tribasic calcium, phosphate i.p. 51.30mg; dried ferrous, sulphate i.p. 32mg; manganese sulphate, u.s.p. 4.06mg; light magnesium oxide, i.p. 33.16mg.copper sulphate b.p., 3.93mg; zinc sulphate i.p. 50mg., ( multi vitamins, multiminerals cap., /tab.), each film-coated tablet should contain:, thiamine mononitrate i.p. (b1) 10mg;, pyridoxine hcl. (b6) i.p. 3mg;, cyanocobalamin (b12) i.p. 15mcg., riboflavin i.p. 5mg; nicotinamide i.p., 50mg; calcium pantothenate i.p. 5mg., tablets., each 3ml. should contain: thiamine, hydrochloride (b1) i.p. 100mg;, pyridoxine hydrochloride (b6) i.p., 100mg; cyanocobalamin (b12) i.p., 1000mcg riboflavin sodium phosphate, i.p. 5mg; nicotinamide i.p. 100mg; dpanthenol i.p. 50mg; benzyl alcohol i.p., 0.9% v/v (as preservative); water for, injection. i.p. q.s. injection, (3ml.ampoule.), each ml. should contain: cholecalciferol, i.p. (vitamin d3) 300,000 i.u. (7.5mg);, arachis oil i.p. q.s injection., (1ml.ampoule.), each haematinic capsule should contain:, ferrous fumarate i.p. 360mg; folic acid, i.p. 1.5mg; cyanocobalamin triturate in, gelatine equivalent to cyanocobalamin, i.p. 200mg; cholecalciferol i.p. (vitamin, d3 i.p.) 400 i.u.; ascorbic acid coated, equivalent to ascorbic acid i.p. 75mg., capsules (in strip packing only), calcium preparations:, each ml. should contain: calcium, glucono- galacto-gluconate 0.137 gm;, water for injection. i.p. q.s. (10ml., ampoule), each chewable tablet should contain:, calcium carbonate i.p. 625mg equivalent, to elemental calcium 250mg; vitamin d3, i.p. 125 i.u. tablet (preferably in strip, packing), electrolytes:, each 15ml. alkalising solution should, contain: disodium hydrogen citrate, 1.2gm flavoured syrup base, composition of oral rehydrating saltcitrate i.p. (sachet of 5.7gm.) should, contain: sodium chloride i.p. 0.7gm, (12.3%); potassium chloride i.p. 0.3gm., (5.3%); sodium. citrate. i.p. 0.58 gm., (10.2%); dextrose (anhydrous) 4gm., (70.2%); excipient q.s. in delicious flavour, (5.7 gm packet.), o.r.s. powder., each ml. should contain: potassium, chloride i.p. 0.150gm; water for, injection i.p. q.s. (10ml.ampoule), each 5ml. should contain: potassium, chloride i.p. 1gm. flavoured non syrupy, base q.s. (5ml.= 3.3meq. of both k+ & cl- ), syrup, 13. metabolism: hypolipidaemic agents:, each sustained release film coated tablet, should contain: fenofibrate i.p. 160 mg., tablet, each film coated tablet should contain:, rosuvastatin 5 mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), each film coated tablet should contain:, rosuvastatin 10 mg. tablet (in strip, packing only), drugs used in gout:, each tablet should contain: allopurinol, i.p. 100mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: febuxostat., 40mg. tablet (in strip packing only), each tablet should contain: febuxostat., 80mg. tablet (in strip packing only), acid base imbalance:, each ml. should contain: sodium bi, carbonate i.p. 7.5% w/v injection., (10ml.ampoule.), each ml. should contain: sodium bi, carbonate i.p. 7.5% w/v injection. (25, ml.ampoule.), 14. surgical & vaccines: surgical, anaesthetics:, each ml. should contain: bupivacaine, hydrochloride u.s.p. eq. to anhydrous, bupivacaine hydrochloride 5mg;, dextrose u.s.p. 80mg; water for, injection i.p. q.s., (4ml. ampoule), each ml. should contain: bupivacaine, hcl. u.s.p. eq. to anhydrous bupivacaine, hcl. 5mg; sodium chloride i.p. 8mg;, methylparaben 1mg. water for injection, i.p. q.s. injection. (20ml, multi dose vial), each ml. should contain:, levobupivacaine hydrochloride eq. to, levobupivacaine 2.5mg. , sodium, chloride i.p. 8.5mg., water for injection, q.s. ( 20ml. vial), each ml. should contain:, levobupivacaine hydrochloride eq. to, levobupivacaine 5mg. , water for, injection q.s. ( 4ml. ampoule), each 30gm.tube should contain:, lidocaine hydrochloride i.p. equivalent, to anhydrous lidocaine hydrochloride, 2% w/v; methylparaben i.p. 0.061% w/v;, propylparaben i.p. 0.027%; water, miscible base q.s. (jelly), each ml. should contain: lignocaine, hydrochloride i.p. i.p. 21.3mg; sodium, chloride i.p. 6mg. methylparaben i.p., 1mg; water for injection i.p. q.s. 2%, injection (30ml. vial), each ml should contain: lignocaine, hydrochloride i.p. 21.3mg; adrenalin (as, adrenalin bititrate i.p. 0.009mg), 0.005mg; sodium chloride i.p.6mg;, sodium metabisulphite i.p. 0.5mg;, methylparaben i.p. 1mg; water for, injection i.p. q.s. inj. 30ml. multi dose vial, each ampoule should contain:, dexmedetomidine 100mcg, 14- (foruentricular arrhythmias):, each ml. should contain: lignocaine, hydrochloride i.p. i.p. 21.3mg.; sodium, chloride 6mg; water for injection i.p. q.s., injection (50ml. multi dose vial), each ml. should contain: lignocaine, hydrochloride usp 42.7 mg;, methylparaben i.p. 1mg; water for, injection ip q.s. 4% topical solution,, 14-(spinal anaesthetic):, (lidocaine topical aerosol 10mg. /puff., each ml. should contain: lidocaine u.s.p., 100mg; ethanol i.p. 28.29% v/v;, flavoured base q.s, each ml. should contain: lignocaine, hydrochloride u.s.p. 21.30mg;, methylparaben i.p. 0.61mg;, propylparaben i.p. 0.27mg; flavoured, viscous aqueous base (lignocaine, hydrochloride oral topical solution, u.s.p.), each ml. should contain: midazolam b.p., 1mg (as hydrochloride); benzyl alcohol, u.s.p. 1%v/v; water for injection i.p. q.s., & disodium edentate i.p. sodium, chloride i.p. & ph adjusted with, hydrochloric acid &/or sodium, hydroxide i.p. injection. (10ml. multi, dose vial), each ml. should contain: propofol 10mg., (propofol lipid free i.v. inj.) 10ml. vial, each ml. should contain: succinylcholine, chloride i.p. 50mg; benzyl alcohol i.p., 1.5%w/v; water for injection i.p. q.s., injection.(10ml. multi dose vial), peripherally acting muscle relaxants:, each ml. should contain: atracurium, besilate b.p. 10mg 1ml. injection. (2.5ml., ampoule), each ml. should contain: glycopyrrolate, u.s.p. 0.2mg; benzyl alcohol i.p.0.9%, w/v; water for injection i.p. q.s. inj. (1ml., ampoule.), mucolytics, proteolytic and other, enzymes:, each ampoule should contain:, hyluronidase (ovine) 1500 i.u. injection, each enteric-coated tablet should, contain: serratiopeptidase 10 mg., (20,000 serratiopeptidase units) tablets, (in strip packing only), infusion fluids, plasma expanders &, rehydrating agents:, each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose 25gm; water for injection. i.p., q.s. infusion. (dextrose 25% w/v), (100ml.bottle), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose anhydrous i.p. 5gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. (dextrose 5% w/v, infusion) 500ml. bottle., each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose anhydrous i.p. 5gm; sodium, chloride i.p. 0.90gm; water for injection, i.p. q.s. (dextrose 5% w/v & sodium, chloride 0.9%w/v infusion dns) 500ml., bottle., each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, mannitol i.p. 20% w/v; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. infusion (100 ml., bottle), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose anhydrous i.p. 5gm; potassium., chloride. i.p. 0.130gm; dibasic pot., phosphate i.p. 0.26g; sodium acetate i.p., 315gm; magnesium. chloride. i.p .031gm, sod. metabisulphite i.p. 21mg; water for, injection. i.p. q.s.; ph adjusted with, hcl. [multiple electrolytes & dextrose, injection type-1 u.s.p. infusion, (paediatric maintenance solution with, 5% dextrose injection.) isolyte p 500ml., bottle.], each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, hydroxyethyl starch (200/ 0.5) 6 gm;, sodium chloride i.p. 0.9gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. average molecular, weight 2, 00,000; degree of substitution, 0.40 0.55 osmolarity (approx.) 308 to, 310 mosm/l.; na+, 154meq/liter; cl 54meq/ litre. (6%), infusion, each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, lactic acid i.p. 0.24 ml; sodium, hydroxide i.p. 0.115 gm; sodium, chloride i.p. 0.60 gm; potassium, chloride i.p. 0.04 gm; calcium chloride, i.p. 0.027 gm; water for injection. i.p., q.s. ph adjusted with hcl. compound, sodium lactate inj. i.p. ringer-lactate, solution for injection) infusion (500ml., bott.), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, sodium chloride i.p. 0.9gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. sodium chloride, injection i.p. 0.9%w/v (normal saline, infusion) (1,000ml. bottle), each ml. should contain: sodium, chloride i.p. 0.009gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. sodium chloride, injection i.p. 0.9%w/v (normal saline, infusion) (100ml. bottle), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose (monohydrate) i.p. 5gm; nacl., i.p. 0.091gm; kcl. i.p. 0.15gm; dibasic, pot. phosphate u.s.p. 0.13gm; sodium, acetate i.p. 0.28gm; sodium, metabisulphite 0.021gm; water for inj., i.p. q.s. ph adjusted with hcl [multiple, electrolytes & dextrose inj.type-3 u.s.p., (maintenance solution with 5%, dextrose.) isolyte m infusion 500ml., bottle.], each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, sodium chloride i.p. 0.9gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. sodium chloride, injection i.p. 0.9%w/v (normal saline, infusion) (500ml. bottle), each 3,000 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, sodium chloride i.p. 0.9gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. sodium chloride, injection i.p. 0.9%w/v (normal saline, infusion 3,000ml. bottle), each 100 ml. i.v. fluid should contain:, dextrose anhydrous i.p. 10gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. (dextrose 10 % w/v, infusion) 500ml. bottle., each ml. should contain: diatrizoic acid, dihydrate u.s.p. equivalent to diatrizoic, acid anhydrous u.s.p. 597.30mg;, meglumine 159.24mg; eq. to diatrizoate, meglumine 660.00mg; diatrizoate, sodium 100.00mg; water for injection., i.p. q.s. & 20ml. ampoule should contain, eq. of 7.41gm.of iodine injection. (76%,, 20ml. ampoule.), vaccines:, each dose of 0.5ml. should contain:, tetanus toxide 5lf to 25lf adsorbed, on aluminium phosphate (aipo4) , 1.5mg; preservative 0.01% thiomersal, tetanus toxide adsorbed i.p. injection., (5ml.=10dose vial), diptheria & tetanus vaccine (adsobed), for adults & adolescents i.p., each 0.5ml. should contain: tetanus, toxide < 5lf (> 40 i.u.); diptheriatoxide <, 5lf (> 2 i.u. ), anti rabies vaccine, each ml. should contain: noradrenalin, bititrate i.p. 2mg. equivalent to, noradrenaline 1 mg. , water for inj. q.s., 2ml. ampoule, each bottle should contain: sevoflurane, 100% v/v usp inhalation anesthetic, (closed fill system with integrated, adaptor (quik-fil), each ml. should contain: magnesium, sulphate i.p. 50% w/v (as heptahydrate);, water for injection. i.p q.s. inj., (2ml.ampoule.), each 100 ml. sterilised solution should, contain: glycine i.p. 1.5gm; water for, injection. i.p. q.s. (3000ml. bottle), each ml. should contain: atropine, sulphate i.p. 0.6mg; water for injection., i.p q.s. inj. (1ml.ampoule.), each 5ml. ampoule should contain:, water for injection i.p., each 10ml. ampoule should contain:, water for injection i.p., each ml. should contain:, dexmedctomidine 0.5ml; water for, injection. i.p q.s. inj. (ampoule.)

Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra, India

5 |

Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

30-01-2024 408 Days Before

T247 ID- 72859901 |

supply of drugs and medicine - group - b (anthelmintics) - tablet oxyclozanide. 200 mg., injection lithium antimony thiomalate 6% w/v. i.p., cypermethrin 10% w/v., albendazole 1.5 gm . bolus., febendazole 2 gm and rafoxanide 3 gms per bolus, triclabendazole 5% and ivermectin1% suspension, levamizole hydrochloride powder 15% w/w., rafoxanide compound 2 gm. bolus., ivermectin 80 mg. tablet, triclabendazole bolus 900 mg., bolus triclabendazole 900 mg. with levamisole 562.5mg, each chew able tablet contains :praziquantel ip 50 mg, pyrantel pamoate ip ( vet) 144 mg & febantel ip ( vet) 150 mg, flumethrin 6% w/v, flumethrin 10 mg/ml pour on, amitraz 125 mg per ml, inj. diaminazeneaceturate- 70 mg/ml & phenazone 375mg/ml., tab ivermectin 10mg, tab ivermectin 2mg, praziquantel 50 mg, bolus oxfendazole 2200 mg, liquid piperazine hydrate/hexahydrate 2.25 gms/5ml, inj. buparvaquone- 50 mg/ml., suspension cotains : oxyclozanide ip ( vet ) 6.0% w/v + levamisole hydrochloride ip 3.0%w/v, each bolus contains oxyclozanide 4000 mg +levamisole 2000 mg +silymarine 300 mg, insecticidal spray contains : deltamethrin i.p. 10 mg/ml, isometamidium hydrochloride 250 mg vial + wfi, pipette fipronil 9.8% w/v , s- methoprene 8.8% w/v, pipette fipronil 9.8% w/v , s- methoprene 8.8% w/v, pipette fipronil 9.8% w/v , s- methoprene 8.8% w/v, inj doramectin 10 mg/ml, inj. imidocarb dipropionate 120 mg per ml., inj. imidocarb dipropionate 120 mg per ml., cypermethrin high cis emulsified concentrate 10% w/v., group - e (hormone) - injection follicle stimulating hormone (fsh)., injection pregnant mare serum gonadotropin-1000iu + 5ml solvent., injection human chorionic gonadotrophin (hcg). i.p., inj. oxytocin ip ( synthetic) 10 iu / ml( vet), injection contains: cloprostenol d75 mcg per ml., g r o u p f (fluids and electrolytes) - injection calcium gluconate1.86%w/v, proportionate of boric acid to calcium 2.26 to 1, chlorocresol 0.1%w/v & water qs., injection calcium gluconate (equivalent to 1.86%w/vcalcium), proportionate of boric acid to calcium 2.26 to 1,magnesium hypophosphite i.p5%w/v with dextrose anhydrous i.p20%w/v, chlorocresol 0.1%w/v, water q.s., injection ringer lactate with dextrose 20%., injection normal saline.0.9% w/v., injection sodium chloride with dextrose (sodium chloride 0.9% w/v and dextrose 5% w/v)., injection dextrose 25%, injection dextrose 5%, injection sodium bi-carbonate - 7.5% w/v, inj. ringers lactate, each 100 gms contains sodium chloride-1 gm, calcium lactate-1.1 gm, calcium gluconate-1.1 gm, magnesium sulphate-0.9 gm, potassium chloride-3 gm, sodium bicarbonate-1 gm, sodium citrate-2.5 gm, ascorbic acid-1 gm, dextrose-78.2 gm., plasma volume expander : hydroxyethyl starch 6.0 gm(130/0.4) +sodium chloride i.p. 0.9 gm per 100 ml, inj. mannitol 20%, saline contain invert sugar 10 gm and sodium chloride ip 0.9 gm per 100 ml, inj. dextrose 20%

Kolkata, West Bengal, India

6 |

Bid Value:
₹ Refer Docs |

₹ Refer Docs |

11-01-2024 427 Days Before

T247 ID- 72595356 |

short term tender for the procurement of drugs and chemicals / disposable / miscellaneous items - respules & transahlers, ambroxyl hydrochloride respirator solution ip 15 mg 2ml, sterile acetylcysteine respirator solution usp 20% 2ml, tobramycin solution for inhalation 300 mg / 5ml, levosalbutamol inhaler, glycopyrronium inhalation solution 25 mcg, antibacterials, tab.clarithromycin usp 500mg ip, cap. doxycycline 100mg, tab. faropenem 200 mg, tab. moxifloxacin 400 mg, tab.cefpodoxim proxetil 200mg, cap.clindamycin 300mg, inj.ciprofloxacin ip, (0.2% w/v) 100ml, tab.ofloxacin 400mg, mucolyte drugs, syrup mucolite 100ml, anti virals, cap. oseltamivir 75 mg, other drugs, inj.haemocoagulase 1ml, analgesics, tab.serratiopeptidase 10mg, tab.tramadol 50mg, vii, anti-diabetic drug, tab. glybenclamide 5mg, inj. long-acting insulin glargine 100 iu /ml, inj. human insulin (30/70), viii, anti-histamins, tab.montelukast 10mg, ambroxol hydrochloride, syrup, vitamins, tab. vitamin c 500mg, tab. zinc sulphate, tab. b-complex, cardiac drugs, tab. amlodipine ip 5mg, gastro intestinal drugs, tab. lactic acid bacillus ds 120m, tab.bisacodyl 10mg, syrup lactulose 100ml, inj.hysocine butylbromide 20mg/1ml, tab. dicyclomine 20mg, syrup sucralfate & oxetacaine 100ml, other drugs, anthelmintics, tab.tinidazole 500mg ip, tab. furosemide 20mg, tab ondensetran 4mg, tab.domperidone 10mg, tab. diazepam 5mg, tab. etophylline and theophylline 100mg ip, tab. metronidazole 400mg ip, tab.deflazacort 6mg, tab.alprazolam 0.25mg, syrup potassium chloride 200ml, tab.sodamint, tab. diltiazem hyrochloride 30mg sr, tab. nicoumalone 2mg, fluids, inj.dextrose 50% iv/ 100ml, inj.electrolyte-m iv 500ml, others, inj. human albumin 20% 100ml iv, inj.amino acid iv 200ml, inj. sensorcaine 0.25% / 30 ml, inj.vancomycin 500mg, inj.iopromide 300mg /50ml, miscallanious item/ disposable items, adhesive incise drapes, 56cms x 46 cms, extension tube 10cm with 3way, mallicot cathetor, size:24,26,28,30,32,34,36,40, oxygen flow meter (regular), water seal single icd bottle (paediatric), water seal single icd bottle (adult), tracheal t tube size: no-10, 12, mouth wash solution 150ml, disp. head cap, infusion set, ab. cotton 500gms, ultra sound jelly 250ml, blood transfusion set, rubber sheet, disposable face mask 3 layers, ecg paper packets for 12 channels, dichloromeatxylenol 1ltr, icd bag, epidural needle, size:14g, 16g, disp. kitchen gloves, sodium hypochloride solution 1ltr, disp. skin preparation blades, diaper (adult) size: large, e c g jelly 250 gms, digital bp apparatous, venturi mask size 24,28.31,35,40,60, sputum cup (plastic), oxivir (disinfected solution)5ltrs can, tissue paper roll, x-ray items, c.r. x-ray films, size: 08 x 10, suture metrials, monofilament polypropylene, 5-0 code cv 8556, polyester coated braided no 2-, code 6987, polyester coated braided no 3-, code 6936, polypropylene no 7-0 code 8702, durabarb polydioxanone barbed code db 015hh size1, enod tackers, histoacryl 0.5ml, ligating clips size small, code 001205, ligating clips size medium code 002204, ligating clips size small code 001204 25 cartrides per boxe, ethibond number 3-0 code x812h half circle round body needle size 17mm, linear stapler with indicator size 45mm, thickness of 4.8mm (new gun), linear stapler with indicator size 60mm thickness of 4.8mm (new gun), linear stapler with indicator 45mm reloads thickness of 4.8mm, linear stapler with indicator 60mm reloads thickness of 4.8mm, linear cutter stapler size 60mm thickness 60mm thickness 4.5mm (new gun), linear cutter stapler size 80mm thickness 4.5 (new gun), linear cutter stapler size 100mm thickness 4.5 (new gun), linear cutter stapler size 60mm reload thickness 4.5mm, linear cutter stapler size 80mm reload thickness 4.5mm, linear cutter stapler size 100mm reload thickness 4.5mm, inj. human insulin (regular) 10ml/40 iuml

Bangalore, Karnataka, India

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